Assessment for Learning is crucial for progression, but as teachers we need to have the tools to provide the next steps for children. The idea of progression hasn’t changed: children still learn to walk before they can run (in the main!). So where do you go for tools to help you? There are many on the Internet and this is another, used by many schools I have worked with, and still used, despite the changes to the curriculum as progression hasn’t changed in skills: it’s only the topics that we provide the context for the skills that have changed: skills are the continuity in the science curriculum, they are the place to start.
First we need an overview of what progression looks like: and this colourful image should help. The key features are picked out in bold and taken from the the National Curriculum for England, with supplementary ideas for other years groups, based on not only Blooms Taxonomy, but also the idea of Children Progression in general.
(If you want it in old fashioned language then Y6 is a mid level 5!)
The devil though, as always, is in the detail. So underlying this resource is a grid that has been developed more years than I care to mention, (and definitely prior to APP!) That can be used to help with feedback and planning next steps for you and your class. There is also a set of questions to help as feedback comments for children to complement this resource.
‘Being able to use the progression sheet has helped all of us to mark more effectively, bringing science into line with Literacy and Numeracy.’
Science subject lead in an Academy
Website last update by: Tara on: 20 April 2021